Category:Hero Hit Gear

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Revision as of 04:48, 2 February 2007 by Llanor (talk | contribs)
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Gear Quick-Links Table
Newbie Gear
1-10 Arch Gear 1-10 Hit Gear 1-10 Mana Gear 1-10 Tank Gear 1-10 "Casties"
11-20 Arch Gear 11-20 Hit Gear 11-20 Mana Gear 11-20 Tank Gear 11-20 "Casties"
21-30 Arch Gear 21-30 Hit Gear 21-30 Mana Gear 21-30 Tank Gear 21-30 "Casties"
31-40 Arch Gear 31-40 Hit Gear 31-40 Mana Gear 31-40 Tank Gear 31-40 "Casties"
41-50 Arch Gear 41-50 Hit Gear 41-50 Mana Gear 41-50 Tank Gear 41-50 "Casties"
Hero Arc / Hero Dru Hero Hit Gear Hero Mana Gear Hero Tank Gear Hero "Casties"
Containers Hit-Point Gear Move-Point Gear Saving-Throw Gear Stat & Level Gear
Lord Gear
Lord Arc Gear Lord Hit Gear Lord Mana Gear Lord Tank Gear Lord KDR Gear
Lord Hit (T2) Lord Mana (T2) Lord Tank (T2)
Gear-Changing Aliases

Recommended Gear

<used as light>Obelisk Shard or Sceptre Of Black Light or Torch Of Flames or Minor Eye Of Naambres'Shoo
<worn on finger>Ice Ring or Ring Of Purity
<worn around neck>Medallion Of Justice or Necklace Of Teeth or Selkie Pelt
<worn on body>Ultimoose Power or Death Armor or Silver Breast Plate
<worn on head>Helm Of Cherubims or Headhunter Mask
<worn on legs>Flaming Pants
<worn on feet>Fatewalkers or Seven-League Boots
<worn on hands>Killing Gloves
<worn on arms>Spiked Sleeves or Dark Dwarven Brand or Heroic Dragonscale Sleeves
<held in offhand>See Hero Melee Weapons
<worn about body>Robe Of Greatness or Horsie Gear
<worn about waist>Chained Steel Collar or Ouroborus' Tail or Girth Of The Most Holy
<worn on wrist>Symbol Of Darkness or Scorpion Tattoo
<wielded>See Hero Melee Weapons
<held>Shard Of Black Doom Marble or Orb Of Amorphous Essence or Glyph Of Tao


This category has the following 2 subcategories, out of 2 total.

Pages in category "Hero Hit Gear"

The following 122 pages are in this category, out of 122 total.