Dark Acolyte Quest

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 (]                                            [)
 (] It can be so hard to walk the path we      [)
 (] walk.  So many things seek to pull us      [)
 (] from the right way; to tempt us into       [)
 (] doing what we know we should not, or       [)
 (] stay our hands from doing what we will.    [)
 (]                                            [)
 (] I can help you.  I will show you the path. [)
 (] I will take from you that which poisons    [)
 (] your soul with doubts, and makes you weak. [)
 (]                                            [)
 (] Come to Eragora, and seek the temple at    [)
 (] Arx Nivea.  I shall be waiting.  If you    [)
 (] are worthy, I will make you my acolyte,    [)
 (] and perform the rites that will free you.  [)
 (]                                            [)
 (] Free you, not to do that which is "good",  [)
 (]   ... but that which you Know to be Right. [)
 (]                                            [)
 Should you lose the reward of this quest, simply approach
 the Haruspex and say:
          'Forgive me, Master!  I have failed you!'


This can be problematic if you previously did the quest, got the Acolyte of the Temple insignia, and then remorted. This is because you lose the skill demonic intent but keep the Acolyte of the Temple insignia, which causes certain key mobs not to respond when you are trying to re-do the quest. This requires the help of an Immortal to remove the old Acolyte of the Temple insignia.