Template talk:S&S Quick-Links

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Revision as of 08:11, 8 February 2007 by Llanor (talk | contribs)
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Yet another modest proposal for MooNFisH, master of Templates...

arc fus asn bzk cle dru mag stm wzd mon shf pal prs psi mnd rog bci bld sor war bod
ARC.jpg FUS.jpg ASN.jpg BZK.jpg CLE.jpg DRU.jpg MAG.jpg STM.jpg WZD.jpg MON.jpg SHF.jpg PAL.jpg PRS.jpg PSI.jpg MND.jpg ROG.jpg BCI.jpg BLD.jpg SOR.jpg WAR.jpg BOD.jpg
Lowmort: X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X
Hero: X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X

Hmmm, what do you think? --Dave Garber 02:02, 8 February 2007 (CST)

Ewww, ugly (no offense). Made some images because it looks better. Also.. ASS -> ASN, and PRI -> PRS. And I hope you don't mind I put them all in alphabetical order, instead of sorted by prc. I mean, it's easier to find something when listed alpbabetically.
I used Arial Black, size 14, normal, no anti-aliasing, on a 40x15 jpg file, and then totated 90 deg clockwise (putting this here so I don't forget it for next time).
You choose whether you like the small font better, or the images. Or maybe both. I don't like the way you did it.. Anyhow, small text doesn't fill the column, and an image can only link to itself, so I didn't know which would be better. --Llanor 06:11, 8 February 2007 (CST)