Category:Lord Weapons

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The 1st tier one-handed weapon is the 30/30 Silver Sword. If you can transmute one of these you can offhand it as well.

The 1st tier piercer is the 25 dr Ancient Dragon Claw. The 2nd tier piercer is the Ruby Dagger, 3rd tier is the Netherworld Dagger, and 4th tier is the Diamond Dagger.

For two handed weapons, warriors typically use the Iron Barbed Flail, which is a chain weapon that can be sharpened. Chain Of Thorns was just added with Noctopia. It's a better chain weapon then the flail.

The 1st tier bzk weapon is the Staff Of Karnath. 2nd tier is the Staff Of Prophecy. 3rd tier is the Staff Of The Lower Planes.