Pyro Imps

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Fire Elemental 097 CC-BY-SA Oozejar-sm.png
Pyro Imp Statistics Tables
Hero-Tier Pyro Imp Statistics by Class
bzk, bod, pal,
asn, mag, mnd,
psi, sor, wzd
cle, dru, prs
arc, bci, fus,
mon, rog, shf
Str ??–29 (32) ??–23 (26) ??–23 (26) 20–23 (26) ??–23 (26)
Int ??–20 (23) ??–26 (29) ??–20 (23) 20–20 (23) ??–20 (23)
Wis ??–20 (23) ??–20 (23) ??–23 (29) 20–20 (23) ??–20 (23)
Dex ??–22 (25) ??–22 (25) ??–22 (25) 28–28 (31) ??–22 (25)
Con ??–23 (23) ??–23 (23) ??–23 (23) 20–23 (26) ??–30 (32)
Lord-Tier Pyro Imp Statistics by Class
bzk, bod, pal,
asn, mag, mnd,
psi, sor, wzd
cle, dru, prs
arc, bci, fus,
mon, rog, shf
Str ??–?? (??) ??–?? (??) ??–?? (??) 23–25 (28) ??–?? (??)
Int ??–?? (??) ??–?? (??) ??–?? (??) 20–22 (25) ??–?? (??)
Wis ??–?? (??) ??–?? (??) ??–?? (??) 20–22 (25) ??–?? (??)
Dex ??–?? (??) ??–?? (??) ??–?? (??) 28–33 (36) ??–?? (??)
Con ??–?? (??) ??–?? (??) ??–?? (??) 23–25 (28) ??–?? (??)
NOTES: numbers in each cell above are initial trained value – maximum trainable value (maximum allowable value for non-devotees); class prime requisites are green.

Found most frequently inhabiting scorching deserts and active volcanoes, pyro imps are reptilian in appearance, though they are noticably taller and slighter than lizard men. Their eyes burn perpetually with elemental fire. They bare the same CURSE as other lesser imps. Fierce fighters, they are aided in combat by their leather-like skin and their tails. They are particularly adept with hafted weapons, and their innate connection to the element of fire enables them to summon a powerful FIRE AURA to defend themselves.

cursed tail armorleather powerthrust fireaura

  • Abbreviation: PyI.
  • Well-Suited to Be: Any brute
  • Ill-Suited to Be: Any caster


On reaching Lord and after completing a Quest they can evolve into Lesser Elementals.

They are the brutiest imp, and actually receive decent stats compared to other hero-level evolutions. They are poor casters, with a 12% arcane, 12% psi, and 22% divine mana cost penalty and high casting fail rate.

For more general comments about this evolutionary race check Imps.