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Demonseed Statistics Tables
Lowmort-Tier Demonseed Statistics by Class
bzk, bod, pal,
asn, mag, mnd,
psi, sor, wzd
cle, dru, prs
arc, bci, fus,
mon, rog, shf
Str 13-20 (23) 12-17 (20) 12-17 (20) 12-17 (20) 12-17 (20)
Int 14-19 (22) 15-22 (25) 14-19 (22) 14-19 (22) 14-19 (22)
Wis 11-16 (19) 11-16 (19) 12-19 (22) 11-16 (19) 11-16 (19)
Dex 18-23 (26) 18-23 (26) 18-23 (26) 19-26 (29) 18-23 (26)
Con 12-17 (20) 12-17 (20) 12-17 (20) 12-17 (20) 13-20 (23)
Hero-Tier Demonseed Statistics by Class
bzk, bod, pal,
asn, mag, mnd,
psi, sor, wzd
cle, dru, prs
arc, bci, fus,
mon, rog, shf
Str 20-25 (28) 17-19 (22) 17-19 (22) 17-19 (22) 17-19 (22)
Int 19-21 (24) 22-27 (30) 19-21 (24) 19-21 (24) 19-21 (24)
Wis 16-18 (21) 16-18 (21) 19-24 (27) 16-18 (21) 16-18 (21)
Dex 23-25 (28) 23-25 (28) 23-25 (28) 26-31 (34) 23-25 (28)
Con 17-19 (22) 17-19 (22) 17-19 (22) 17-19 (22) 20-25 (28)
NOTES: Numbers in each cell are: initial trained value - maximum trainable value (maximum allowable value for non-devotees); also, class prime requisites are bold.

Pure Demons can't exist on Midgaardia without the support of some major Magic. To bypass this, Demonkind occasionally impregnate human mothers, and the result is a Demonseed. These children stop aging at about 10 years old, and begin to develop a demonic appearance. They are incredibly fast, surprisingly powerful magically and physically, and irredeemably evil.
