Category:Wise Travelers

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"They come from out of the mist in the dark of night" says one popular tavern rumor. "They catch the fancies of odd children, and seduce faithful husbands", says another. In truth, no one has ever seen the Wise Travelers arrive or depart, yet it is known that the enigmatic troupe of merchants, magicians, and outcasts rolls across rural Midgaardia like a bank of fog, peddling their services and arcane knowledge to any who can pay. If you seek the truth behind the rumors, then seek the wise travelers along dark forest paths, or near settlements in and around Wildwood.

Level Range: 51-51

Builder: Scevine

This area was added in August 2022.


Walking route from Aelmon: 17e, [e], 4n, 2e

Portaling point(s) suggested: Moose guard, e.



Aside from the disconnected area with Traitorous Acolyte Prosenia Elm ("A crumbling stone chamber") the area is a simple walk.



The nameless alchemist will make one of five items for you via Alchemy:

  Pitch Black Glaive:
     wooden staff from traveling trader Morgan plus four alchemy ingredients:
        (1) mineral,
        (2) durrite or echostone,
        (3) wand or staff,
        (4) rigid and protective.
     slagwalkers plus three alchemy ingredients:
        (1) see-through skin or scale,
        (2) electrical or resistant to lightning,
        (3) from a flying source.
            Stormriders with an alienskin arm brace + coiled electrolobe tentacle OR electro-lobe + batwing
                4hr, 2dr, -14ac, -35svs, faintly lowers resistance to earth, modify melee with electric, +fly, lv51 b11 lightning-ward glow.
            Stormriders with an alienskin arm brace + coiled electrolobe tentacle OR electro-lobe + golden feather
                4hr, 2dr, -10ac, -40svs, faintly lowers resistance to earth, modify melee with electric, +fly, lv51 b11 lightning-ward glow.
            Stormriders with an alienskin arm brace + coiled electrolobe tentacle + electro-lobe
                4hr, 2dr, -10ac, -35svs, faintly lowers resistance to earth, modify melee with electric, +fly, lv51 b11 lightning-ward glow.
     an emerald gemstone plus three alchemy ingredients:
        (1) tattooed,
        (2) claw, fang, or horn,
        (3) feathered
  Dark wrap:
     silks from Morgan plus four alchemy ingredients:
        (1) tentacle,
        (2) evil,
        (3) toxic,
        (4) blood
  Smoldering contraption:
     dangerous contraption from Morgan plus four alchemy ingredients:
        (1) arachnoid,
        (2) fiery,
        (3) resistant to fire,
        (4) metallic

Cursed alchemy

The Profane scholar Soffaya will exchange various items, alchemy style, for cursed equivalents:

  Bloodsong katana:
     base of blood-thirsty katana plus two alchemical items:
        (1) scale or scaly;
        (2) weapon.
  Ocean breeze aura:
     base of aura of tainted foulness or aura of corruption plus two alchemical items:
        (1) aquatic,
        (2) insubstantial.
  Ofcol signet ring:
     base of Blackened Ofcol Signet Ring plus two items:
        (1) an alchemical treasure,
        (2) some gold that came from Ofcol's golden citadel

Alchemical ingredients

If it's skinned or kspawned it's likely a valid alchemical ingredient. Check Deepways for many of these and for more. The choice of ingredients tends to yield minor bonuses onto the final result item; appears that some are neutral and some are beneficial.





See-through skin or scale

Skin but not see through
Scale but not see through
See through but not skin or scale

Electrical or resistant to lightning

Flying source

Not a flying source

starshark skin orb, Spectrecles, Restless spirits of ghost fish