Severed Head Of A Giant

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An enormous severed head rolls on the floor.

Carefully severed and drained of blood, the remains of this giant look to have been used in a ritual of some sort.

Keyword(s): severed giant head.
Level(s): 51.
Type: trash.
Slot(s): .
Quality: 200 hps.
Weight: 9 lbs.
Flag(s): evil.


Carried by Ferromancer Sturmiet, an aggressive mob of race "cloud giant" who casts stormlord spells and hangs out in the very bottom of the forge in the water rooms with the slagbeasts and the corpse-eating slagslugs.

Used in an unknown quest in White Raven Alighting Unseen's room, "Against sheer mesa cliffs". If you drop this in this room, it becomes furniture which stays in the room until reboot and cannot be picked up, and White Raven tells you to light a fire:

 White Raven Alighting Unseen says 'A worthy sacrifice, though the gods who once dwelled here are either dead or gone.'
 White Raven Alighting Unseen says 'I suspect you will have to light the offering pyre yourself.'

The next step in this quest probably involves dropping a Herat of Fire. Something similar can be done with the Strip of Burnt, Tattooed Flesh. The room only seems to accommodate one of these items on the ground as furniture at a time. (If one item has already been dropped, dropping the other will not make it into furniture in the room).

If you try giving the item to White Raven instead of dropping it, he will give it back with a clue:

 White Raven Alighting Unseen says 'I recognize this sort of work. It's a very crude method of extracting a soul. I want nothing to do with it, personally, but you may find some lingering power within it still.'
