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Insignia are rewards given in recognition of outstanding achievements. The insignia command allows you to view the insignia you have been awarded.

Here is a list of various insignia acquired throughout the game:

Guardian of the Fae
Felt the Wrath of the Fae!
Exemplary Citizen Award
Honorary justice guard of Mervue
The Badge of Mutation (Lizard Man -> Dragon)
The Badge of Mutation (Elf -> High Elf)
The Badge of Mutation (unknonw -> High Elf)
The Badge of Mutation (unknown -> Sorceror)
Sept Nik'Avrym Problem Solver
Sept Xkra'Zvim Retainer
Sept Tlan'Kle'Sha Ally
Sept N'Etl'Sha Retainer
Sept Arak'Tki Surveyor
Sept Xkra'Zvim Do-Gooder
Sept Kwa'Xulu Operative
Legendary Win Insignia