CMud Prompt & Mob Cond

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This script will utilize a prompt formatted in the following manner:

<1216/1216hp 2576/2576ma 1229v 41> 0 lag - - surge off

Where the two '-' symbols are monitor target's hp and hp as a % of max, respectively. Use the following Prompt script in-game:

prompt <|w|%h|n|/%Hhp |w|%m|n|/%Mma %vv |y|%T|n|> %s lag
prompt2 %w %P surge %S %n

The Script

Save the following code as an .xml file, and import it into Cmud:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?>
  <class name="Prompt">
    <trigger priority="2180">
      <pattern>~<(%d)/(%d)hp (%d)/(%d)ma (%d)v (%d)> (%d) lag * * surge *</pattern>
      <value>#var currhp %1
#var maxhp %2
#var currmana %3
#var maxmana %4
#var currmoves %5
#var currtnl %6
#var currlag %7
#if (@currtnl < 200) {#var message %ansi(high,yellow,blink)"Put on Level Gear Now"}</value>
    <stat name="StatBar" priority="2190"/>
    <button name="hp" type="Gauge" autosize="false" width="120" height="23" inset="true" toolstyle="true" transparent="false" color="#0080FF" gaugelowcol="red" gaugebackcol="silver" priority="2">
      <caption>Hit Points</caption>
    <button name="mp" type="Gauge" autosize="false" width="120" height="23" autopos="false" left="121" inset="true" toolstyle="true" transparent="false" color="lime" gaugelowcol="red" gaugebackcol="silver" priority="4">
      <caption>Mana Points</caption>
    <var name="currtnl">1601</var>
    <var name="currhp">14029</var>
    <var name="maxhp">14029</var>
    <var name="currmana">19259</var>
    <var name="maxmana">19259</var>
    <var name="currmoves">9273</var>
    <var name="currlag">0</var>
    <alias name="setprompt">
prompt <|w|%h|n|/%Hhp |w|%m|n|/%Mma %vv |y|%T|n|> %s lag 
prompt2 %w %P surge %S %n
    <button name="mobcondition" type="Gauge" autosize="false" width="120" height="23" autopos="false" left="241" inset="true" toolstyle="true" transparent="false" color="#FF8000" gaugelowcol="red" gaugebackcol="silver" priority="6">


Used in conjunction with the zAffects script, this will populate all of this information into a Status Window. I place mine in the bottom right hand corner of my CMud window, where it is convenient, but non-intrusive.

Designer comments

Feel free to note me here or on board 2 to Shalineth with any feedback or suggestions.