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Revision as of 08:35, 22 May 2008 by Sulfar (talk | contribs) (track toggle accepts on|off arguments)
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Bug reports, suggestions and/or diffs are appreciated, sulfar _AT_ inbox +DOT+ com

/echo %% /track             Toggle auto track
/echo %% /track <on|off>    Set auto track on or off

/set auto_track 1
/echo %% Autotracking enabled.

/def -i -E(auto_track) -mregexp -t"^You see your quarry's trail head (east|west|north|south|down|up) from here!" do_track = %{P1} %;/echo %%% Autotracking:  %{P1}

/def -i track = \
        /if ({1} =~ "") /set auto_track $[!auto_track]%;\
        /elseif ({1} =~ "on") /set auto_track 1 %;\
        /elseif ({1} =~ "off")  /set auto_track 0%;\
        /else /echo Valid arguments are: on, off and <none>%;\
        /if (auto_track) /echo %%% Autotracking enabled.%;\
        /else /echo %%% Autotracking disabled%;\