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Miraar Statistics Tables
Lowmort-Tier Miraar Statistics by Class
bzk, bod, pal,
asn, mag, mnd,
psi, sor, wzd
cle, dru, prs
arc, bci, fus,
mon, rog, shf
Str 13–20 (23) 12–17 (20) 12–17 (20) 12–17 (20) 12–17 (20)
Int 12–17 (20) 13–20 (23) 12–17 (20) 12–17 (20) 12–17 (20)
Wis 12–17 (20) 12–17 (20) 13–20 (23) 12–17 (20) 12–17 (20)
Dex 12–17 (20) 12–17 (20) 12–17 (20) 13–20 (23) 12–17 (20)
Con 12–17 (20) 12–17 (20) 12–17 (20) 12–17 (20) 13–20 (23)
Hero-Tier Miraar Statistics by Class
bzk, bod, pal,
asn, mag, mnd,
psi, sor, wzd
cle, dru, prs
arc, bci, fus,
mon, rog, shf
Str 20–25 (28) 17–19 (22) 17–19 (22) 17–19 (22) 17–19 (22)
Int 17–19 (22) 20–25 (28) 17–19 (22) 17–19 (22) 17–19 (22)
Wis 17–19 (22) 17–19 (22) 20–25 (28) 17–19 (22) 17–19 (22)
Dex 17–19 (22) 17–19 (22) 17–19 (22) 20–25 (28) 17–19 (22)
Con 17–19 (22) 17–19 (22) 17–19 (22) 17–19 (22) 20–25 (28)
* Miraars always have max trained stats.
NOTES: numbers in each cell above are initial trained value – maximum trainable value (maximum allowable value for non-devotees); class prime requisites are green.

While rich in substance, the lack of distinct form is what describes Miraar best: They are shapeshifters. In their 'true' form (if such a thing exists for these creatures) they are mostly unremarkable with regard to wit, speed or strength. In fact, the single distinguishing feature of these human-sized and human-shaped beings is their 'blur' - the fact that however hard you may try neither outline nor detail appear fixed.

Once a Miraar shifts their shape to match someone else's, they partake in that persons physical characteristics and mental strength, making it almost impossible to distinguish one from the other. Yet knowledge, learning and memory are not transfered, thus forcing a Miraar to learn and train as much as everyone else.

As the Miraar's ability to change their shape into those of other creatures developed over the course of the ages, in turn the 'true' form became more and more a stagnant placeholder. It does not grow in the same way that other races do, dependent on profession or luck. Instead, it will remain at a low, only slowly increasing level of balanced characteristics at all times.

  • Abbreviation: Mir.
  • Well-Suited to Be: ?
  • Ill-Suited to Be: ?


  • Miraars do not have any stats to train. All stats for non-shapeshifted Mirs are always the maximum trained stats.
    • >>train -> This body of yours does not lend itself to training.
  • Miraars can be any prestige class (except: Rip, Sld, Viz) by shifting to one of the races that are able to prestige.
    • Copy a Liz to be a Bci.
  • Miraars suit any Class that can benefit from extra Hitpoints or Mana.
    • Wzd/Sor Mana on a Cle/Psi/Mnd, War/Bzk Hps on a Mon/Rog, etc
  • Miraars cannot copy another shapeshifted Miraar or any member of the Imp evolution tree.
  • Miraars can copy any other player regardless of level. Their stats are based on the race/class/god of target but limited to the lower of target or mir's level -- Malaclypse, Jan 3, 2024

Note that although a Miraar can copy a claw race, it cannot prestige Ripper. If your try, Korun Rentface says 'I may be old, but I can still smell a phony. And I'm smellin' one right now...'

Legacy notes:

  • Miraars cannot copy a player whose sub-level is a certain amount higher than the Mir's. This amount increases as the Mir gains sublevels. Perhaps charting will reveal the function... I think at lord a mir can copy any other lord (with usual restrictions) and at low mort it's 7 levels max higher. However at hero apparently it varies, going up as the mirs level goes up - if anyone has more info plz post.
    • At hero sub-212, my max was 319; at 217, it was 325; at 224, it was 333. Seems to go up about one max per 5 sublevels.
  • Miraars were originally a remort-only race but as of May 2012 they are a creatable one. Old Miraar characters that were not traded for alternative characters got a boon of +50% xp gain, 10% melee damage, 10% spell damage and 10% heal increase.
  • Lvl 42 Lowmort -> Hero (5)
  • Lvl 43 Lowmort -> Hero (10)
  • Hero (17) -> Hero (85)
  • Hero (46) -> Hero (120)
  • Hero (57) -> Hero (133)
  • Hero (85) -> Hero (167)