Rune Chart

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Different weapons accept the same Runes differently. Even two different copies of the same item might react to Runes differently.

However, any weapon that accepts Runes will accept them in one of ten ways. Which set of runes any weapon accepts is randomly determined when the item pops. So, to determine what Runes will have a desired affect on any given weapon, first delve the item a couple times to see which set of runes you're dealing with. Once you figure out which one of the ten sets of Runes this weapon is accepting, you can safely Rune the item without fear of accidentally applying the wrong Rune.

Rune Set One

 Ka  - Rune of Vanquishing
 Yal - Rune of Confusion
 Vi  - Rune of Weakness
 Rin - Nothing
 Boh - Rune of Striking
 Chy - Rune of Battle
 Era - Nothing
 To  - Rune of Invulnerability
 Nol - Rune of Defense
 Zor - Rune of Sickliness

Rune Set Two

 Ka  - Rune of Sickliness
 Yal - Rune of Invulnerability
 Vi  - Rune of Defense
 Rin - Nothing
 Boh - Rune of Weakness
 Chy - Rune of Confusion
 Era - Rune of Striking
 To  - Rune of Vanquishing
 Nol - Nothing 
 Zor - Rune of Battle

Rune Set Three

 Ka  - Rune of Invulnerability
 Yal - Rune of Battle
 Vi  - Rune of Striking
 Rin - Rune of Defense
 Boh - Nothing
 Chy - Rune of Sickliness
 Era - Nothing
 To  - Rune of Confusion
 Nol - Rune of Weakness
 Zor - Rune of Vanquishing

Rune Set Four

 Ka  - Rune of Confusion
 Yal - Rune of Sickliness
 Vi  - Nothing
 Rin - Rune of Weakness
 Boh - Nothing
 Chy - Rune of Vanquishing
 Era - Rune of Defense
 To  - Rune of Battle
 Nol - Rune of Striking
 Zor - Rune of Invulnerability

Rune Set Five

 Ka  - Rune of Defense
 Yal - Rune of Striking
 Vi  - Rune of Vanquishing
 Rin - Rune of Battle
 Boh - Rune of Invulnerability
 Chy - Nothing
 Era - Rune of Confusion
 To  - Rune of Weakness
 Nol - Rune of Sickliness
 Zor - Nothing

Rune Set Six

 Ka  - Rune of Battle
 Yal - Rune of Vanquishing
 Vi  - Nothing
 Rin - Rune of Striking
 Boh - Rune of Defense
 Chy - Rune of Invulnerability
 Era - Rune of Weakness
 To  - Rune of Sickliness
 Nol - Nothing
 Zor - Rune of Confusion 

Rune Set Seven

 Ka  - Nothing
 Yal - Rune of Defense
 Vi  - Rune of Battle
 Rin - Rune of Invulnerability
 Boh - Rune of Sickliness
 Chy - Rune of Weakness
 Era - Rune of Vanquishing
 To  - Nothing
 Nol - Rune of Confusion
 Zor - Rune of Striking

Rune Set Eight

 Ka  - Rune of Striking
 Yal - Nothing
 Vi  - Rune of Confusion
 Rin - Rune of Vanquishing
 Boh - Rune of Battle
 Chy - Rune of Defense
 Era - Rune of Sickliness
 To  - Nothing
 Nol - Rune of Invulnerability
 Zor - Rune of Weakness

Rune Set Nine

 Ka  - Nothing
 Yal - Rune of Weakness
 Vi  - Rune of Sickliness
 Rin - Rune of Confusion
 Boh - Rune of Vanquishing
 Chy - Rune of Striking
 Era - Rune of Invulnerability
 To  - Rune of Defense
 Nol - Rune of Battle
 Zor - Nothing

Rune Set Ten

 Ka  - Rune of Weakness
 Yal - Nothing
 Vi  - Rune of Invulnerability
 Rin - Rune of Sickliness
 Boh - Rune of Confusion
 Chy - Nothing
 Era - Rune of Battle
 To  - Rune of Striking
 Nol - Rune of Vanquishing
 Zor - Rune of Defense