Difference between revisions of "Category:Hero Melee Weapons"

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m (adding strike)
(adding electrolobe, some sorting)
Line 205: Line 205:
| [[:Category:Melee Weapons That Claw|Clawing]]
| [[:Category:Melee Weapons That Claw|Clawing]]
| Con -1, Str -1
| Con -1, Str -1
| [[Dark Flaming Blade]]
| 9
| 11
| 12
| [[:Category:Standard One-Or-Two-Handed Weapons|One-Or-Two-Handed]]
| [[:Category:Melee Weapons That Slice|Slicing]]
| anti-good
| [[Maelstrom, Sword Of The Balrog]]
| 10
| 10
| 16
| [[:Category:Standard One-Or-Two-Handed Weapons|One-Or-Two-Handed]]
| [[:Category:Melee Weapons That Slash|Slashing]]
| Str +1, needs fading
| [[Baron's Sword]]
| [[Baron's Sword]]
Line 229: Line 213:
| [[:Category:Melee Weapons That Stab|Stabbing]]
| [[:Category:Melee Weapons That Stab|Stabbing]]
| Dex +2, Str +2
| Dex +2, Str +2
| [[Narrow Blade]]
| 10
| 10
| 3
| [[:Category:Standard One-Handed Weapons|One-Handed]]
| [[:Category:Melee Weapons That Slash|Slashing]]
| [[Fine Katana Sword]]
| [[Fine Katana Sword]]
Line 252: Line 244:
| [[:Category:Standard One-Handed Weapons|One-Handed]]
| [[:Category:Standard One-Handed Weapons|One-Handed]]
| [[:Category:Melee Weapons That Slice|Slicing]]
| [[:Category:Melee Weapons That Slice|Slicing]]
| [[Narrow Blade]]
| 10
| 10
| 3
| [[:Category:Standard One-Handed Weapons|One-Handed]]
| [[:Category:Melee Weapons That Slash|Slashing]]
Line 277: Line 261:
| [[:Category:Melee Weapons That Crush|Crushing]]
| [[:Category:Melee Weapons That Crush|Crushing]]
| [[Coiled Electrolobe Tentacles]]
| 12
| 11
| 2
| [[:Category:Standard One-Handed Weapons|One-Handed]]
| [[:Category:Melee Weapons That Whip|Whipping]]
| skin item
| [[Dark Flaming Blade]]
| 9
| 11
| 12
| [[:Category:Standard One-Or-Two-Handed Weapons|One-Or-Two-Handed]]
| [[:Category:Melee Weapons That Slice|Slicing]]
| anti-good
| [[Maelstrom, Sword Of The Balrog]]
| 10
| 10
| 16
| [[:Category:Standard One-Or-Two-Handed Weapons|One-Or-Two-Handed]]
| [[:Category:Melee Weapons That Slash|Slashing]]
| Str +1, needs fading
| [[Spiked Warhammer]]
| [[Spiked Warhammer]]

Revision as of 09:36, 7 February 2014

Weapon Quick-Links Table
Melee Weapons: 1-10 11-20 21-30 31-40 41-50 Hero Poisoned Weapons
Missile Weapons: 1-10 11-20 21-30 31-40 41-50 Hero Throwing Weapons

Weapon statistics

The important statistics on weapons are DR and weapon max damage. HR is not of much importance.

  • For wields and weapons needing two hands (like hafted, two-handed, double and chain weapons), max is more important. A rough rule of thumb is that 1 max is equal to 2 DR.
  • For offhand, since you only hit once with it, DR is more important, since the extra DR will help with the damage you do with the wield as well. Since bld can hit multiple times with offhand as well, it is good to concentrate on max for offhand as well in this case.

The above means that for wields, it might be better to farm some "worse" weapons (something which has a lower natural DR modifier), if you cannot afford to get the "best" weapon.

Maximums and minimums for hero weapons

For weapons that are in the 44-50 range, the most common max is 47, 50 and 44 are very rare, as they appear 1-2% of the time. 45 and 49 is about 5%?

Weapon type Maximum damage range Comment
One-handed weapons 44 - 50
One-or-two handed weapons 44 - 50 Can be wielded in two hands with double wield, improving damage.
Ethereal weapons 44 - 50 Cannot be disarmed. Easier to catch when used for psionic kinetic attacks.
Double weapons 44 - 50 Can be used with double hit, double parry.
Chain weapons 44 - 50 Can be used with double hit, bonus to disarm.
Hafted weapons 48 - 55 Give bonus damage to those with powerthrust, can be used to bash and double parry, easy to catch when used for psionic kinetic attacks.
Two-handed weapons 50? - 57 Gives bonus damage to those with powerswing.
Concealable weapons ?? - 44 or 45? These give bonus to stealth checks for backstab and related skills.

For example, below table shows max hit values of Sceptre of Igecsoz over 739 pops

Maximum damage Number of Pops Percentage
44 13 2%
45 68 9%
46 163 22%
47 223 30%
48 180 24%
49 71 10%
50 21 3%

Common Hero Melee Weapons

Name HR DR Weight Weapon Type Damage Type Notes
Dragon-Blade 11 11 3 One-Handed Piercing anti-evil
Lumoloth's Sting 11 11 6 One-Handed Piercing anti-neutral, +sneak
Aculeopteron 10 11 5 One-Handed Piercing Int +1, Dex +1
Heavy Black Dagger Called, "Virus" 10 10 13 One-Handed Piercing Con +2, Str +2, needs fading
Thin Black Sword Called, "Gaunt" 10 10 13 One-Handed Piercing Con +2, Str +2, needs fading
Sword Of Avengers 10 10 13 One-Handed Piercing Con +2, Str +2, needs fading
Rapier, "Rest" 10 10 12 One-Handed Piercing
Nephilim Blade 9 10 9 One-Handed Piercing Wis +2, Int +2
Tourach's Sword 9 10 10 One-Handed Piercing Con +2, Dex +2
Sharp Short Sword 7 10 4 One-Handed Piercing
Flame Shaped Dagger 9 9 3 One-Handed Piercing
Blood-Soaked Rapier 9 9 4 One-Handed Piercing anti-good
Claws Of Killl'gher 11 11 25 One-Handed Clawing Con -1, Str -1
Baron's Sword 10 10 13 One-Handed Stabbing Dex +2, Str +2
Narrow Blade 10 10 3 One-Handed Slashing
Fine Katana Sword 10 10 13 One-Handed Slicing
Jeweled Shamshir 2 10 6 One-Handed Slicing +55 mana
Ornate, Deadly Looking Sword 7 10 6 One-Handed Slicing
Redtooth's Cutlass 7 10 7 One-Handed Slicing Str +1
Barbed Steel Mace 9 11 5 One-Handed Crushing
Coiled Electrolobe Tentacles 12 11 2 One-Handed Whipping skin item
Dark Flaming Blade 9 11 12 One-Or-Two-Handed Slicing anti-good
Maelstrom, Sword Of The Balrog 10 10 16 One-Or-Two-Handed Slashing Str +1, needs fading
Spiked Warhammer 9 9 15 One-Or-Two-Handed Crushing
Chained Sickle 9 9 10 Chain Slashing easy to farm
Mighty Claws 9 11 30 Double Slashing Needs fading
Lightning Strike 11 13 18 Double Slashing +5% regen
Serrated Bone-Sword 6 12 10 Double Clawing
Chattering Skeletal Claws 11 11 30 Double Clawing
Powerful, Monstrous Jaws 9 11 50 Double Biting +35 hp, anti-good
Sceptre Of Igecsoz 9 11 5 Double Crushing Con +2, needs fading
Staff Of Justice 10 10 5 Double Pounding Int +2, Dex +2
Heavy Spear, "Ocean" 10 15 24 Hafted Piercing
Ink-Black Obsidian Spear 12 14 15 Hafted Piercing
Dragon Whisker 11 14 10 Hafted Stabbing needs fading, +2dex, +2con
Naginata 13 13 8 Hafted Slashing Needs fading
Great Axe "Suntamer" 12 14 16 Two-Handed Slash needs fading, sharpenable powerswinger
Jaranon Great Sword 15 15 30 Two-Handed Slicing sharpenable powerswinger
Great White Battle Axe 15 15 10 Two-Handed Slicing sharpenable powerswinger
Avalanche, Maul Of The Mountain 15 15 35 Two-Handed Crushing
Granite Truncheon 0 12 50 Two-Handed Crushing
Stout Branch -2 12 60 Two-Handed Crushing needs 30 str

Pages in category "Hero Melee Weapons"

The following 175 pages are in this category, out of 175 total.