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[[Category: Lowmort 11-20 Melee Weapons]]

Latest revision as of 21:28, 18 October 2008

This hammer has the words MAGE MASHER engraved into its head.
It seems to glow and pulse when pointed at a magic user. It seems to just glow when pointed at clerics though.

Damage is 7 to 20 (average 13).
Modifies damage roll by 1 continuous.
Modifies hit roll by 3 continuous.

Keyword(s): warhammer mage masher
Type: weapon
Flag(s): magic, hum
Slot(s): <wielded>
Weight: 35 lbs
Level(s): 15
Quality: 100 hps



Area: Town Of Solace (Map)
Mob(s): Sergeant At Arms