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* '''[[:Category: Racials |Racial(s)]]:''' [[Racial Armorleather |Armorleather]], [[Racial Swim |Swim]], [[Racial Tail |Tail]], [[Racial Corpse Eating|Corpse Eating]].
* '''[[:Category: Racials |Racial(s)]]:''' [[Racial Armorleather |Armorleather]], [[Racial Swim |Swim]], [[Racial Tail |Tail]], [[Racial Corpse Eating|Corpse Eating]].
* '''[[:Category: Characteristics |Characteristic(s)]]:''' [[:Category:Biped |Biped]], [[:Category:Tail |Tail]], [[:Category:Scaled_Races |Scaled Race]], [[:Category:Draconic|Draconic]].
* '''[[Racial Size |Racial Size]]:''' medium.
* '''[[Racial Size |Racial Size]]:''' medium.
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Revision as of 17:06, 5 May 2022

Lizardman Statistics Tables
Lowmort-Tier Lizardman Statistics by Class
bzk, bod, pal,
asn, mag, mnd,
psi, sor, wzd
cle, dru, prs
arc, bci, fus,
mon, rog, shf
Str 15–22 (25) 14–19 (22) 14–19 (22) 14–19 (22) 14–19 (22)
Int 12–17 (20) 13–20 (23) 12–17 (20) 12–17 (20) 12–17 (20)
Wis 12–17 (20) 12–17 (20) 13–20 (23) 12–17 (20) 12–17 (20)
Dex 12–17 (20) 12–17 (20) 12–17 (20) 13–20 (23) 12–17 (20)
Con 16–21 (24) 16–21 (24) 16–21 (24) 16–21 (24) 17–24 (27)
Hero-Tier Lizardman Statistics by Class
bzk, bod, pal,
asn, mag, mnd,
psi, sor, wzd
cle, dru, prs
arc, bci, fus,
mon, rog, shf
Str 22–27 (30) 19–21 (24) 19–21 (24) 19–21 (24) 19–21 (24)
Int 17–19 (22) 20–25 (28) 17–19 (22) 17–19 (22) 17–19 (22)
Wis 17–19 (22) 17–19 (22) 20–25 (28) 17–19 (22) 17–19 (22)
Dex 17–19 (22) 17–19 (22) 17–19 (22) 20–25 (28) 17–19 (22)
Con 21–23 (26) 21–23 (26) 21–23 (26) 21–23 (26) 24–29 (32)
NOTES: numbers in each cell above are initial trained value – maximum trainable value (maximum allowable value for non-devotees); class prime requisites are green.

Lizard Men are a race of reptilian humanoids that have recently begun to be found more often in human occupied lands. Lizardmen in this realm tend to revere dragons as godlike in nature, and prefer to associate with them when possible. Lizardmen are a little stronger than the typical human and are extremely hardy. They lack sophistication however, and thus are slightly slower than most humans (in wit as well as reflex.) Lizardmen tend to make excellent warriors, and though they are not as accepted as some races, they are respected because of their durability. Lizardmen have retained the ability to swim, though they are not an aquatic race for the most part. They can attack with their tail, and their skin protects them like a strong leather.

  • Abbreviation: Liz.


Lizardmen have high hp pools and decently-sized mana pools, making a fair share of roles and classes available to them.

First and foremost, psionically related classes are interesting since lizardmen get a 5% psionic spell cost reduction bonus. This also allows them to tingle psionic spells to no-fail. However, they are not a true no-fail race and will fail non-psionic spells even at 100%. This is not a big problem though since their thick hide will allow for more pummeling than on other caster-oriented races.

Due to good hps and racial armor, lizardmen can serve adequately in brute roles. They have no racial damage mod.

While the archery and stealth mods on this race are negative, they are only slightly worse than human and therefore not bad enough to impede progress in stealth-based or archery-based classes. The lack of archery bonus does prevent them from going druid.

Overall, lizardmen are a versatile race with a very low TNL, that also hide one other important feature: their ability to remort to tuataur or dragon. As it stands, they are one of the better dragon remort-able races at casting. If you want a dragon mage, liz is a good path to take for it doesn't have a high tnl (fdk) or racial abomination (drc). For psionic classes, tuataur will likely be a better choice, but again lizardman is arguably the fastest and easiest way to achieve this.