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[[Category: Melee Weapons That Pound]]
[[Category: Melee Weapons That Pound]]
[[Category: Lowmort 31-40 Melee Weapons]]
[[Category: Lowmort 31-40 Melee Weapons]]
[[Category: Incomplete]]

Revision as of 14:13, 5 August 2006

A hack saw lies on the ground.

Damage is 12 to 38 (average 25).
Modifies damage roll by 8 continuous.

Keyword(s): hack saw
Type: weapon
Flag(s): hum nodrop noremove
Slot(s): <wielded>
Weight: 7 lbs
Level(s): 39
Quality: 50 hps



Area: Descent To Hell (Map)
Mob(s): Carpenter