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[[Category: Gear]]
[[Category: Gear In Wildwood]]
[[Category: Armor]]
[[Category: Armor]]
[[Category: Lowmort 31-40 Gear]]
[[Category: Lowmort 31-40 Tank Gear]]
[[Category: Lowmort 31-40 Tank Gear]]
[[Category: Lowmort 41-50 Tank Gear]]
[[Category: Lowmort 41-50 Tank Gear]]
[[Category: Skin Items]]
[[Category: Skin Items]]
[[Category: Gear In Wildwood]]

Revision as of 17:38, 14 February 2006

Modifies armor class by -20 continuous.

Slot: Neck
Level: 40
Base: 9-10
Weight: 8
Area: Wildwood (Map)
Skinned From: Gremblingadorim

Port to Grembling kill it, and skin the corpse.
If You've got walking directions, please add them here.