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Mindbender Hero Skills Chart

Sub: List of Skills Available to Practice at This Sublevel...
  1: butcher            fast healing       hive mind*         kick               open hand
     pick lock          rescue             sneak              steal
  3: faerie fire
  5: cause light        detect evil        dodge              magic light        parry
     second attack
  7: curse              detect magic       endurance          fence              identify
     magic missile
  9: armor              armor lore         weapon lore
 11: blindness          chill touch        cure light         hide               infravision
     locate object      poison
 13: fly                giant strength     nightvision        shield block       weaken
 15: concentrate        detect alignment   faerie fog         invis              peek
 17: bash               detect poison
 19: bashdoor           bless              disarm             dispel evil        dual
     enhanced damage    track              trip
 21: cause serious      cure blindness     detect hidden      scry
 23: cure poison        detect invis       shocking grasp
 25: cure disease       energy drain       know alignment     shield
 27: burning hands      charm person       cure serious       earthbind          sleep
 29: dark embrace       dispel magic       flamestrike        holy armor         mass invis
 31: remove curse       gem lore*
 33: astral             stone skin
 35: fireball           pass door          protection good    protection evil    refresh
 37: call lightning     cause critical     web
 39: mass bless         mass cure serious  teleport           third attack       turn undead
 41: frenzy
 43: cure critical      water breathing
 45: sanctuary          toss
 47: enchant armor      enchant weapon     lightning bolt     summon
 49: move hidden
 51: mass aid
 53: enchant bow        harm
 55: mass cure critical
 57: control weather
 59: acid blast         holy aura          portal
 61: heal
 63: chain lightning    enhanced vitality  transfer life
 69: calm               invigorate         lead pack          seal
 71: icestrike          mass heal
 75: cyclone
 79: earthquake         foci               mass invigorate    nexus              sandstorm
 83: magma blast
 87: augment            firestorm
 89: ice lance
 91: desiccate
 97: awen
 99: lead posse
101: create food        create spring      create water       danger sense       fast healing ii
     improved stamina   lead flock         magic recovery     meditation ii      tutor other
125: minds eye
250: insight            psyphon*
500: illusory shield*   panic*
   * Hero skills that Mindbenders may learn but Psionicists may not.

See also Mindbender Lowmort Skills And Spells, Psionicist Hero Skills And Spells.

Pages in category "Mindbender Hero Skills And Spells"

The following 153 pages are in this category, out of 153 total.