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Gear picked up on the 5/15/07 run: (storing it here at the moment till I/someone gets around to making pages)

You get a harpy bow from corpse of an apex harpy.

Object 'harpy bow crude bones' type bow, extra flags none.
Weight 9, value 1690, level 52.
Object Quality (50 / 50 hps)
Damage is 26 to 74 (average 50).
Draw strength is 16.
 Modifies hit roll by 10 continuous.

You look at a harpy bow in your inventory...
You see a crude bow made of broken bones.
This item seems to be bow.
It weighs approximately 9 lbs.
This item appears meant to be wielded as a weapon.
It is a long bow, and it does between 26 and 74 points of damage.
Draw strength is 16.

You get stone plates from corpse of a stonewolf.

Object 'stone plates' type armor, extra flags none.
Weight 20, value 1296, level 51.
Object Quality (200 / 200 hps)
Armor class is 10.
 Modifies armor class by -20 continuous.

You look at stone plates in your inventory...
You see a small pile of oddly furry stone plates.
This item seems to be armor.
It weighs approximately 20 lbs.
This item appears meant to be used as a shield.
Its armor class is 10.

You get jagged stone jaws from corpse of a stonewolf. (same stonewolf)

Object 'stone jaws jagged' type weapon, extra flags evil.
Weight 20, value 1404, level 50.
Object Quality (100 / 100 hps)
Damage is 15 to 45 (average 30).
Edge condition is like new.
 Modifies dexterity by 3 continuous.
 Modifies strength by 3 continuous.

corpse of an apex harpy:

Object 'corpse npccorpse' type npc corpse, extra flags none.
Weight 100, value 9, level 73.
Object Quality (1 / 1 hps)